Can Employers Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Weighing in on this topic is a team of Employment Law Experts from Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, PC

This is an important issue of concern for Southington Chamber employers and all businesses.

Before you mandate, listen to this webinar hosted by the Southington Chamber in partnership with New Britain, Newington & Plainville Chambers. Of particular interest is the dialogue following the presentation.

This webinar includes important information for you to consider. It is not all inclusive and is not intended to give legal advice.

Key Points to consider: Just because you can mandate something, should you? While the government and big pharma hold no liability for adverse affects of a vaccine, the employer can be held liable if the vaccine is mandated in the workplace and an employee has an adverse effect. This information is learned in the questions and answer portion.

To Listen to the Webinar Click Here

This webinar was held on January 16, 2021 via zoom in partnership with the Southington, New Britain, Plainville and Newington Chambers of Commerce.